22.02 - 21.03.2018
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__________Assuming a role
Phase III of our series of projects addresses the aspects of a physical/bodily sense of belonging within the framework of our overall theme "Heimat". Moving from Skopje (Phase II) towards Vienna, animated by the project “Skopje 2014” initiated by the former Macedonian government that fully changed the look and the identity of the city, discussing the impact that the unstable, decorative new architecture has on the inhabitants emotionally and physically we continued analyzing the architectural and bodily implications of belonging to a city and a culture.

Noticing that Vienna, has begun to rebuild under the increasing influence of the economic dynamics implied by late-capitalism,
we aim to foreground the role that architecture plays in the process of identity formation, exemplified by concrete examples taken from the cityscapes of Vienna. How does a body experience these changes when its relation to physical space is not only through direct physical contact but also through personal memory or memory in form of history?
_________________________Zimmer, Kuche, Kabinett
a group show with invited guest-artists:
________________________David Elias Schilling (DE)
___________________Pavel Naydenov (BG) and
______________Enrico Tomassini (IT)
_________________________Project presentation at the Social Design Department of the University of Applied Arts Vienna
___________________Jakob Ehrlich
Selbstportrait als Diaprojektor, 2018
Danke Moma für die Pyttygasse.
_____________Jakob Ehrlich
Pool 1140, 2018
_____________________David Elias Schilling
Schlafende Büste mit Faust, 2018
_______________________Eline Tsvetkova
A Temporary Measure, 2018
___________________Anastasija Pandilovska
On Homemaking, 2018
_________________Enrico Tomassini
Dear You, 2018
___________________________________Pavel Naydenov
Memory landscape of a man - alienation, confession, returning