_____________________________________/The Round Tableless discussion:HEIMATLOS

Социјален центар Дуња (Social Center Dunja)
25.11 - 15.12.2017
Heimatlos by Freddy Quinn

Heimatlos are many people in the world,
Heimatlos and lonely like me
I earn my money everywhere
However, there is no one waiting for me

No friends, no love
Nobody thinks of me in the whole year
No friends, no love
like it was earlier, like it was once earlier

hopeless is no one in the world,
There will come good times for everyone at some point,
and I know, I know that fate is keeping
such time still also for me

A couple of friends, a love
I think of that all year long
A couple of friends, a love
like it was earlier, like it was once earlier
_______________________________________/ An Empty Room with Distorted Ideas
______________________________________________/photos by Zoran Shekerov
Heimat found strength as an instrument of self-assurance and orientation in an increasingly alienating world as Germany's, Austria's, and Switzerland's population from the days of the Industrial Revolution made a massive exodus from rural areas into more urbanised communities around the countries' major cities (Landflucht). Heimat was a reaction to the onset of modernity, loss of individuality and intimate community.[2] Heimat began as an integral aspect of German, Austrian, and Swiss identity that was patriotic without being nationalistic. Regional identity (along with regional dialect) is an important foundation for a person's Heimat.
Heimatfilme were usually shot in the Alps, the Black Forest, or the Lüneburg Heath, and always involved the outdoors. Their characteristics were their rural settings, sentimental tone and simplistic morality, and they centered on love, friendship, family and non-urban life. They also involved the difference between old and young, tradition and progress, and rural and urban life. The typical plot structure involved both a good and bad guy wanting a girl, conflict ensuing, and the good guy ultimately triumphing to win the girl, making all happy.
Tatkovina = Fatherland - ( There is no use of the word motherland but mothertongue)
Roden Kraj , Rodna zemja - a place where one is born - birthplace (region)
Chapter I: Mom, I'm home
Chapter II: Belonging to an Object
Chapter III: The Memory of a Space

Lecture can be read in the Skopje publication
______________________________________________________/Scattered Belonging